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Luisa Piccarreta
Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
- 36 handwritten volumes
They were written from February 28, 1899 to December 28, 1938. The first Volume is a spiritual autobiography of the Servant of God. The other 35 narrate her conversations with the Lord, having as theme the "Divine Will" and how It wants to reign among creatures. Jesus Himself will suggest her the title: "The kingdom of my Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The Recall of the creature to the Order, to the Place and to the Purpose for which he was created by God "(Vol. XIX - Aug. 27, 1926).
The original manuscripts of the Volumes from the 1st to the 34th are in possession of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
Photographic and photostatic copies of the originals manuscripts of the Volumes from the 1st to the 34th are in possession of the Archdiocese of Trani.
The photostatic copy of the original Volumes 35th and 36th are in possession of the Archdiocese of Trani.
The Volumes from the 1st to the 19th and the 35th and 36th were published in 1971 by the Association of the Divine Will, located in Via XX Settembre, 157 - 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (Milan). They are not constituted by the compliance to the original manuscripts.
The twenty-four hours of the Passion
(a photostatic copy of the original manuscript is owned, which is, however, only a part of the text published in the different editions).
The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
(a photostatic copy of the original manuscript is owned).
Childhood Memories
(a photostatic copy of the original manuscript is owned).
70 Letters
to St. Annibale Maria di Francia (written from 1911 to 1927 and whose original manuscripts are owned).
130 Letters
to various addressees whose transcriptions, and not original manuscripts, made by some Luisa’s disciples are owned. (The aforementioned letters are collected in a volume for internal use by the Pious Association "Luisa Piccarreta" PFDV of Corato: by Don Pablo Martin Sanguiao, Luisa’s letters, Corato 1990).
109 Letters
to various addresses whose original manuscripts are owned. (The aforementioned letters are collected in: by Pious Association “Luisa Piccarreta” P.F.D.V. of Corato, Luisa’s letters, Volume 2nd, Miulli Typography, S. Ferdinando di Puglia 2001).
Altre Letters
not published because found in the last period of the diocesan phase of the Cause for Beatification and Canonization.
The Pilgrimage of the Soul in the Divine Will (a photostatic copy of the original manuscript is owned). It was published in a reduced form: by Pious Association “Luisa Piccarreta” P.F.D.V. of Corato, The round o f the soul in the Divine Will, Corato 1997.
3 Appeals: the appeal of Jesus Christ the King (attributed to Luisa Piccarreta); the appeal of the Queen of Heaven (the original copy is owned); Luisa’s appeal (attributed to Luisa Piccarreta).
3 Consecrations: Consecration to Jesus Christ King of the Universe (attributed to Luisa Piccarreta); Consecration of the human will to the Queen of Heaven (extracted by the book: The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will); Consecration to the Divine Will (attributed to Luisa Piccarreta). Published: by Pious Association “Luisa Piccarreta”P.F.D.V. of Corato, An invitation to climb the high mountain of the Supreme Fiat. The three Appeals. The three Consecrations, Miulli Typography, S. Ferdinando di Puglia 2001.
The Seven Sorrows of Mary (the original manuscript is owned).
The Visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (only the original manuscript of the 13th Visit is owned. The first twelve were published in the appendix of the Book by St Annibale M. Di Francia, The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus, 3rd edition, Napoli 1917, pp 331-338).
Yearnings for Holiness (transcriptions of prayers attributed to Luisa Piccarreta by Miss Rosa Musto, disciple of the Servant of God). Published for internal use by the Pious Association “Luisa Piccarreta” P.F.D.V. of Corato, Yearnings for sanctity, Corato 1996.
Prayers on the back side of sacred images (the original manuscripts are owned).
Act of Submission by Luisa to the Holy Office on September 19, 1938
(the original manuscript is owned).
Petition to His Holiness Pius XII in 1942, to request the celebration of the Holy Mass in the house
(the original manuscript is owned).
Spiritual Notes
(transcriptions of thoughts and prayers attributed to Luisa Piccarreta by some disciples).
Spiritual Testament
(drawn up and signed by Don Benedetto Calvi, last confessor of the Servant of God, while he was receiving her last words).
Edition of the works
(a photostatic copy of the original manuscript is owned, however it represents only a part of the text published in the different editions)
FIRST EDITION: by Father Annibale Maria di Francia, The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ with loving considerations and reparations, Imprimatur A. Can. Laviano V. G., Pontificial Library and Typography Andrea e Sal. Festa, Napoli 1914
SECOND EDITION: by Father Annibale Maria di Francia, The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ with loving considerations and reparations, Imprimatur A. Can. Laviano V. G., Pontificial Library and Typography Andrea e Sal. Festa, Napoli 1914.
THIRD EDITION: by Father Annibale Maria di Francia, The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ with loving considerations and reparations, Reimprimatur Franciscus Can. Sorrentino Revis. Eccles, Pontificial Library and Typography Andrea e Sal. Festa, Napoli 1917.
FOURTH EDITION: by Father Annibale Maria di Francia, The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ with loving considerations and reparations and with two Treaties on the Divine Will, Nihil obstat D. Prestifilippo S. J. Messina 8-7-24. Reimprimatur Messanae die 14 Juilii 1924 Can. P. Giardini V. G., Anthonian Typography of Father A. M. Di Francia Messina 1921.
FIFTH EDITION by Don Benedetto Calvi, The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Loving considerations and reparations and a Treaty on the Divine Will, Nihil obstat Tarenti ex Curia Archiepiscopali 28 Augusti 1934 Delegatus ab Archiepiscopo Archid. Joseph Blandamura, Archbishop Printing Factory, Taranto 1934.
By P. Beda Ludwig O.S.B. of Andechs Monastery (München – Germania), Das Reich des göttlichen Willens, I Band, Imprimatur Ratisbonae die 6 maji 1936. Ad. Num. Exh. 4455. Dr. Höcht., Albert Angerer, Verlagsbuchhandlung,Waldsaffen 1936. [German Translation of the Treaty on the Divine Will in The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 5th edition 1934].
By P. Beda Ludwig O.S.B. of Andechs Monastery (München – Germania), Das Reich des göttlichen Willens. Autorifierte Veberfezung aus dem ittalienifchen, II Band, Imprimatur Ratisbonae die 3 Febr 1938. Dr. Höcht., Albert Angerer, Verlagsbuchhandlung,Waldfaffen 1938. [German Translation of The Twenty-four hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 5th edition 1934].
(it includes the transcriptions of the Volumes 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the almost entire Volume 4th of the Diaries. These transcriptions are characterized by many corrections compared with the original manuscript by Luisa)
UNIQUE EDITION: attributed to Don Benedetto Calvi, In the Kingdom of the Divine Will. History of a Soul. First Part, Rising Dawn, Nihil obstat Baruli 25 Februarii 1930 Archipr. Franciscus Scuro Can. Poenit. Dominicus Dell’Aquila Revisores, Imprimatur Trani 25 Februarii 1930 Joseph M. Archiepiscopus, Premiato stabilimento tipografico G. Dellisanti, Barletta 1930.
(a photostatic copy of the original manuscript is owned)
FIRST EDITION: attributed to Don Benedetto Calvi, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Meditations for the Month of May, Imprimatur Montepolitiano ex Curia Ep. Die 30 Martii 1932. Ioseph Ep. Montispolitiani, Madonna della Querce Typography, Montepulciano 1932.
SECOND EDITION: attributed to Don Benedetto Calvi, The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, “Nihil Obstat Quominus Reimprimatur” Taranto 23 IX. 1933, Archbbishop Delegate, Giuseppe Blandamura, Archbishop Typography, Taranto 1933.
THIRD EDITION: by Father Canon Don Benedetto Calvi, The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Meditations on the life of the Holy Mary for those who want to learn to live in the Divine Will. “Nihil Obstat Quominus Reimprimatur” Mons. Francesco M. Della Queva S. M. Delegato ab Archiepiscopo Taranto. Festa di Cristo Re 1937, Archbishop Typography, Taranto 1937.
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