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"Who's in my room?”

Applause for the show about Louise the Saint

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By Francesca Maria Testini – Coratolive

A simple room that becomes a “corner of Paradise” is the focus of the play “Who's in My Room?” This show was staged by the “Faville della Divina Volontà” last weekend at the parish center on Leonello Street in Corato.

Music, images, words and choreography were masterfully used to speak, in a simple but direct and immediate way, about the long love story between Luisa Piccarreta, the mystic from Corato, and Jesus. Jesus was always a constant presence in Luisa's room, as well as in her heart.

On the occasion of the upcoming reopening of the House-museum, the children and youth who are part of the group “The Sparks” (Le Faville)  wanted to represent the contents of a page from Piccarreta's Diary. In that house Luisa lived most of her life lying in bed, praying, working in lace and writing. The sparks children were led by some volunteers from both the “Luisa Piccarreta PFDV” association and the community of St. Mary Greek Church

The play is loosely based on Luisa's diary page, dated April 21, 1899. During one of the many mystical visions Luisa describes in her writings, Jesus appears to her in the form of a poor little boy. Jesus lovingly asks Luisa to stay with her, “I am the poor of the poor, I don't know where to stay, I have come to you, will you keep me with you in your little room? You see, I am so poor that I don't even have clothes, but you will think of everything (...) I have no one. Deh, don't let me walk around anymore, let me stay with you!”

Young Luisa is initially intimidated.  At first she tries to understand who this little boy is. Luisa in fact questions Jesus, then she “discovers” through prayer that before her is Jesus Himself.  Luisa welcomes Jesus by trusting Him and entrusting herself to His Divine Will. And that is how Heaven enters a small room, as Gino Paoli metaphorically wrote in his song. Those who have had or will have the privilege, or perhaps it is more correct to say “the call,” to cross its threshold, - as the evening's presenter stated - can breathe in those scents of Heaven that Jesus wanted to leave on Earth through “the little Spark” Luisa, thus defined by Jesus in the pages of the Diary.

Luisa Piccarreta always remained united with Jesus as a “spark” of the Living Fire. This is why she illuminated and continues to illuminate the path of living on Earth as in Heaven (as we recite in the Our Father prayer) for anyone who is willing to walk it by saying their FIAT to God. This is the clear message that with their authenticity and bravura “the Sparks children” (i.e., children and young people between the ages of 4 and 12), wanted to convey by trying their hand at acting, dancing and singing.

The musical pieces were very appropriate; they were of different genres and meticulously chosen. (Beauty and the Beast, Seek Me, Strange My Destiny, Heaven in a Room, and Wherever You Will Be) Wonderful and engaging choreography was designed and performed to their notes.

Jesus was able to express all His love for every creature in that room by being able to receive reciprocation from Luisa on behalf of all. And starting from here, the Sparks children followed Luisa's example of love. The children, with their language and energy, communicated to the adults in the room the beauty of “Fiat Voluntas Tua,” as emphasized by the archbishop and mayor present at Sunday's performance.

“Would you like to join the experts in the work of understanding Luisa's writings? work that is not always easy?” - proposed Msgr. Leonardo D'Ascenzo complimenting the Sparks children for the originality with which they made a page from Luisa's Diary easily understandable.

Mayor Corrado De Benedittis also emphasized this aspect. In fact He considered how while in the past the elders who had known Luisa talked about her, today instead it is the little ones, well guided, who popularize the figure of Piccarreta.

Applause, congratulations, photos and thanks filled the hearts of all the children who participated and those who followed them along this tiring but beautiful path: don Vincenzo Bovino with don Francesco Del Conte and don Vincenzo Di Pilato (pastor and vice pastors of S. Maria Greca), Annalisa Pellegrino (director and guide), Antonia Scaringella and Angela Iurillo (guides of the “Faville”), Mariangela Scaringella (choreographer), Gabriella Maldera (set designer), Angela Roselli, Raffaella Corriere, Lucrezia Scaringella, Gloria Scaringella, Sabrina and Emanuele (volunteers), Antonio Bove, Domenico Altamura, Vitantonio Cascarano (sound and lights), Vincenzo Olivieri (manager of the parish hall).

The hope is that the “Luisa Piccarreta PFDV” association and the “Faville della Divina Volontà” group will continue their promotion of the knowledge of the Divine Will. We hope that this show will know numerous repetitions in other parish settings as well, along with the other three shows that have been staged in the past years. It is only right that the people of Corato know well the little Daughter of the Divine Will who attracts pilgrims from all over the world to our city every day.

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