On October 10th, 11th, and 12th, in Corato, we experienced days filled with light, joy, and fraternal fellowship among brothers and sisters from various countries, together with the members of the Luisa Piccarreta Association, during the retreat "Unity as One Family in the Divine Will." It was the fulfillment of a desire inspired by the calls to unity from the bishops of Trani in their Communications, by certain teachings found in Luisa’s writings, and by Jesus’ fervent prayer the Last Supper:
"May they all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they may also be in us… May they be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may be perfectly one..." (Jn 17:21-23)
We know that to live in the Divine Will, the will of the soul must become molded and united with the Divine Will to the point of becoming one with It- without being annihilated, without being confused- wanting in all things what It wants, as It wants, acting in all things as It acts, with It. And within this supreme unity of wills between the soul and God is included the unity with all those who similarly strive to live in that same unity with the Divine Will. This transcends different nationalities and languages, respecting the groups to which they belong, but seeing each other as brothers and sisters of the same family, appreciating, loving, and learning from one another, having one same Desire, one same Will, and the same ultimate purpose.
"The sign that the soul is perfectly clasped and united with Me, is that she is united with all neighbors. Just as no clashing or disordered notes must exist with those who are visible on earth, so can no clashing note of disunion exist with the invisible God." (Vol. 6; October 10, 1905)
I think it is desirable that the unity of the Children of the Divine Will be realized in the service structure “Family of the Divine Will,” established by the "Public Association of the Faithful Luisa Piccarreta" , following the directives of 'the Archbishop of Trani, "whose ecclesial figure the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints has always indicated as the official point of reference for those around the world who follow the spirituality and message of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta." (Statement by Mons. Paolo Rizzi, August 10, 2024)
In fact, this communication, which was published during the organizational phase of the retreat, served as confirmation that this is the Will of God. During the days of the retreat, we participants experienced unity in diversity.
We give thanks to God in His Supreme Will for this first meeting for unity, which bore beautiful spiritual fruits. We thank each brother and sister in Corato who welcomed us with open arms and selfless love. We extend our gratitude to President Enza Arbore for her warm welcome and Father Sergio Pellegrini for his enlightening and guiding words. Finally, we thank all the participants for their openness, contributions, and goodwill. Together, we are working to form the one Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth:
"My daughter, indeed, the Kingdom of My Divine Will has existed upon earth, and therefore there is the sure hope that It will return again in Its full force. Our house of Nazareth was Its true Kingdom; however, we were without peoples. Now, you must know that each creature is a Kingdom; therefore, one who lets the Divine Will reign within herself can be called a little Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. So, she is a tiny little house of Nazareth that we have upon earth; and though little, since Our Will is in her, reigning, Heaven is not closed for her; she observes the same laws of the Celestial Fatherland, she loves with the same love, feeds herself with the foods from above, and is incorporated into the Kingdom of Our interminable regions.
Now, in order to form the great Kingdom of Our Will upon earth,
- First, We will make the many tiny little houses of Nazareth - that is, the souls who will want to know It in order to let It reign within themselves. I Myself, and the Sovereign Queen, will be at the head of these tiny little houses, because, We having been the first to possess this Kingdom on earth, it is Our right, which We will not surrender to anyone, to be the directors of them. Then, with these tiny little houses, repeaters of Our house Of Nazareth, we will form many little states of Ours, many provinces,
- And after they have been formed well, and ordered like many little Kingdoms of Our Will, will fuse together and form a single Kingdom and one great people." (Vol. 29; May 31, 1931)
May Jesus, our Heavenly Mother, and our dear Luisa help and guide all of us who desire to live in the Divine Will to unite in that one Divine Will, in that one Family of the Divine Will, in that one Kingdom, as in Heaven, so on earth.
God willing, there will soon be more retreats in Corato, open to all who wish to be in unity. Fiat!
Alejandra Acuña - Mexico