“God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:17)
On September 14 and 15 the Association “Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will” inaugurated, by tradition, its new formation year.
September 14, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and day when we remember the" Marriage of the Cross” of Luisa, was dedicated to prayer. The day started with an hour of spirituality in which, with the prayer of the Rosary, we meditated some passages from the first volume specifically regarding the mystical marriage: "on this day of the Exaltation of the Cross –Sister Assunta commented - Jesus has chosen a victim and crucified her with Him.
Followed the Eucharistic Celebration that was presided over by don Sergio and Don Marco; the reflection concerned the invitation to crucify our will on the cross of Jesus. Starting from the Gospel of the day (Jn 3,13-17), don Sergio explained that the bronze serpent that God instructed Moses to put on a pole to save anyone who looked at it, is Jesus Christ. The snake (the least of the animals) is the figure of a God who, by coming to earth, empties Himself, making nothingness, and in this nothingness He finds us, gathers us, save us and gives us to the Holy Trinity (through the Resurrection) making us participants in His Divinity.
Luisa took part in this emptying experience and became more fully aware of this, when she joined totally the crucifixion of Jesus: she gave up her human will to live the Divine Will.
This is an experience that all of us are called to live. The annihilation of ourselves in order to live in the Divine Will is a gift of death that comes simultaneously with the gift of the Divine Will; dying to ourselves to welcome the gift of the Divine Will.
The Eucharistic Celebration was followed by a few exchanges of light: Sister Assunta spoke of her testimony during the recent illness she experienced, by giving herself completely to God, and of her offering united with that of Jesus. It was a joy for all of us that Sister Assunta was among us almost completely recovered..
On 15 September, however, we started our formation path with an unified assembly of all the groups of Corato, during which don Sergio wanted to explain all the training of the new year, emphasizing that all of us are called to walk with Luisa through the Diary.
This path must be done together: this is the style of the formation process, everyone will have a only guide that is Jesus, He will lead us to know, but above all, to live the gift of the Divine Will through the reading of Luisa’s writings. .
The six groups that have been established for this year will be coordinated by some brothers who will act as facilitators, in the reading and understanding of the volumes.
Finally, Sr. Assunta spoke by reminding everyone that the purpose of the Association is to associate with our brothers, to work together, with each other, in every act united to Jesus, by giving glory to God. Referring to the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Sr. Assunta recalled that we have received these talents as gift with the only task to make them bear fruit during this formation year.