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The human and Celestial Family

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The Call of the creature to the Order,

the Place and the Purpose

for which he was Created by God.

(Vol.19- August 27, 1926)

The family was born through an outpouring of Love from the heart of the Trinitarian Family

1°: Divine Trinitarian Family

2°: Family by blood

3 : Associative Family


The human and Celestial Family.

“My daughter, what is the purpose for which you want my Will to be fulfilled in you and to be known by all?” And I: ‘…I want it, so that the human family may no longer live as estranged from You, but it may be bound once again to the Divine Family, from which it had its origin.’ And Jesus: “…Only one who does my Will and lives in It can be called my child, a member of my Divine and Celestial Family. (Vol. 20 - December 22, 1926)

The Associative Family of the Little Children of the Divine Will in the greatness and depth of the entire human race.

The Trinitarian Family is the starting point and the ending point of the human family.

The whole of humanity has sprung by means of an outpouring of Love from the heart of the Holy Trinity.

Divine reflections departed from the Three Divine Persons to imprint in the human soul the Image and likeness of the Holy Trinity.   (Gen 1:26)

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”. (Jeremiah 1:5)

“We were conceived in the heart of God, and for this reason “each of us is the result of a thought of God”. (Pope Francis Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ n.65)

This starting point shows man and the whole of humanity a path of life that leads to God's plan. It is the call of God, who despite human ingratitude, wants to bring the creature back to the place established by Him.

The Call of the creature to the Order,  the Place and the Purpose  for which he was Created by God.

It is important to go to the root of the family.  For in it we can see how there is diversity of status, culture and faith, as well as distinct callings, but there is only one spirit that unites: it is the creative spirit of God.

The direct line of "on earth as it is in heaven" starts from the root. It reinforces the bond of unity between God and mankind in one body and one spirit through the action of the Holy Spirit who knits together and manages the fraternity among all humanity.

All things came out of the unique Act of God and everything must return to this Act which has no succession of acts.

Unity is the cornerstone on which the human family stands despite the diversity of individual status. Different characteristics flow from the diversity of status. They are:

1.      The Trinitarian Family from which the family was generated as a gift and special grace.

2.      The family by blood as a bond of belonging. This type of bond does not exclude the bond between Heaven and earth. In fact, this is the common purpose in God's thinking.

3.      The associative family. It goes back to the specific call of the Divine Will Family which is rooted in the charism of "Fiat Voluntas Tua" and in the invitation to associate ourselves to the Divine Acts, in the heart of the Trinity.

 “This is why I have called you into my Will – that you may associate yourself with Us, and follow and repeat Our acts”. (Vol.18 – August 9, 1925)

God calls for unity even in diversity.

Pope Francis' three calls enrich the characteristics of the family:

 “Each one of God’s calls is an initiative of His love.

1.      The first call by which God makes us persons is an individual call because He does not make things in series.

2.      Then God calls us to faith and to become part of His family as children of God.

3.      Lastly, God calls us to a particular state in life: to give of ourselves on the path of matrimony, or that of the priesthood or consecrated life.” (Pope Francis, Angelus January 17, 2021)

God with His multiplied Act interweaves diversity with unity of spirit to make all humanity fruitful and stable.  God unites humanity to creation, which is filled with His Love. All this so that the human heart may know how to enjoy the beauty of the universe and sing praises to the Creator from earth to Heaven.

"The heavens and the earth are full of your glory." (Hosanna)

This is the family that has not forgotten its origin and identity.

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Dear brothers and sisters, as we see generations who follow each other, we want to turn our gaze to our present generation, to whom God, by gift, wants to manifest His Kingdom with greater Light and Glory. God looked at the place where the field that held the treasure of the Kingdom was hidden to begin its full manifestation with the guiding Light of the Holy Spirit. He was looking with pleasure at a soul who would sell everything to buy that field, to put her at the head of an family of associative spirit so that this family would live and spread, with the testimony of life and with works, the Will of God as food and life for everyone.

Brothers and sisters, Corato as the "city closest to Rome" is this field; our sister, guide and servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is the chosen soul.

For the Kingdom of my Divine Will I have chosen another virgin who, in appearance, has no importance, either of great riches or of height of dignity; the very city of Corato is not an important city, but it belongs to Rome, in which resides my representative on earth, the Roman Pontiff, from whom come my divine laws; and just as he makes it his duty to make my Redemption known to the peoples, so will he make it his duty to make known the Kingdom of my Divine Will”. (Vol.27 – January 30, 1930)

Jesus, out of His infinite goodness and through Luisa, wanted to give back the inheritance He gave to man when He created him: the Gift of the Divine Will, His Will as principle, means and end to form the human race according to His thought.

Our Association has been called to this richness of life. It is made up of souls who are united in one spirit. It draws light, wisdom and strength from the "Here I am of Jesus", from the "FIAT Mihi" of Mary and from the "FIAT" of the Little Daughter of the Divine Will.

My dear ones, in the light of these brief observations, we want to strengthen our associative spirit so that the knowledge and the Light that emanate from it may become the life of our spiritual and community life..

These are truths that must be analyzed with pure faith, with personal selflessness and with full confidence in the family of families: the Trinitarian Family.  So we can all say with certainty: my family is the Trinity.  All of this encompasses a personal, family and community relationship.

My dear ones, the Lord is calling the Association to renew its "yes" in His Will. We know that the Association Luisa Piccarreta is composed mainly of souls who, bound together by one spirit, form the family of the Divine Will.

It is not the stones, nor the headquarters or anything else that make up the Association, although everything serves for dissemination, apostolate and some activity. If there is no compact union of spirit, everything is nothing before God and also before the world, because everything comes from within the soul. It is what is in our interior that spreads, even if the word is lacking, because it is life in the Kingdom that gives persevering and fraternal fruit

"The Kingdom of God is in your midst." (Lk 17:21) A Kingdom that unites and makes many families into one family in the image of the Trinity. Luisa herself repeated: "The Divine Will is made of Light and not of stones". (From the Epistolary) Everything must be reborn and grow in unity of spirit.

Merely belonging to the Association does not bear fruits of unity, conversion and community peace. Feeling small, feeling newborn, is like being reborn in every act. " Don’t be astonished that I told you, ‘All of you must be born from above". (Jn 3:7)

The Acts done in the Divine Will strengthen the spirit of the association. It is like "casting the net on the right side of the boat" (John 21:6) so that the net may be drawn filled with souls called to live in the Divine Will and desirous of living for the Kingdom and in the Kingdom.

Dear souls who are associated in the Divine Will, let us strengthen our unity, that which makes us forget ourselves, let us look at what Jesus looked at when He lived in the midst of the human family, He looked at everyone with the Father's eye and the Father looked at us and looks at us in His Son and repeats, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him." (Mt 3:17)

Beloved Ones, while we live in earthly Eden with the Gift of the Divine Will, let us send to Celestial Eden in advance our thoughts, our gaze, our heartbeats and everything we possess to foretaste the smallest part of what awaits us.

In addition to the Trinity, the Holy Family of Nazareth is also our model for growing in unity of spirit. Indeed, Mary's words stand out in our souls:

 “Ah! if all the souls consecrated to the Lord in holy places would make everything disappear in the Divine Will, how happy they would be, converting the communities into many celestial families”. (From "The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. - 15th day)

If we draw everything from the Heavenly Spirit that reigned in the house of Nazareth, Jesus will make us grow in Him and like Him in Light and grace. So together with Mary we will grow in unity and intimate joy.

“My Divine Will reigned in this house of Nazareth on earth as It does in Heaven. My Celestial Mama and I knew no other will”. (Vol. 24- July 7, 1928)

Jesus wants to shape family in imitation of the Holy Family of Nazareth and make every family the home of the Kingdom. This is the goal to which the charism of the Association aspires.

The Divine Will is fullness of life; it works everything in the soul which, with joyful humility, responds to the call of the Supreme Fiat in her own state.

The weakness, miseries and snares of the human will can never extinguish the fire with which the Holy Spirit destroys all human residue.

 “Weakness feeds more weakness, and the poor creature falls even more; evils become stronger, miseries reduce her to starvation. But if she doesn’t think about them, they disappear by themselves. Good is completely the opposite. One good feeds another good - one act of love calls for more love. One abandonment in my Will makes her feel the new Divine Life within herself. Therefore, thinking of good, forms the food and the strength to do more good”. (Vol. 35 – December 25, 1937)

 “When I am weak, that is when I am strong”. (2 Corinthians 12:10)




Sister Assunta

A little daughter of the Divine Will



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