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Sister Assunta, a gift from God

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Dearest Sister Assunta, you have suddenly passed away from us! Without you we feel more alone. Seeing you energetic, extremely lucid, we hoped that with your strong temperament you would live for many more years, but evidently God has decreed that the time had come for you to meet Him, to re-enter in fullness with Him, and to us the perfect adherence to His Divine Will.

What can be said about Sister Assunta? So many things... For over forty years she has been a strong and incisive presence in our area. Indeed, we recognize that Sister Assunta has been a gift from God and a living sign of His presence among us. We are grateful to her for giving a new impetus to the knowledge of Luisa in Corato and for guiding us to know the path indicated by Luisa to walk with Jesus.

She was always tenacious in insisting that associating with the Acts of Jesus in living the Divine Will is also an associating with each other. She always took great care to stress the importance of our associative family. She was a nun of extraordinary charge, an exceptional woman who knew how to listen, dispense advice, thanks to her spiritual depth. She was a true mother to all, she also knew how to command and was also obeyed and indulged just as one obeys a mother.

Sister Assunta had recently turned 95, but she had not been out for a long time. As she grew older she tried to make up for her frailty and human limitations through daily contacts with Enza and Antonella, visits that people from the association made to her, cell phone calls, and monthly meetings with zoom meetings, because Sister Assunta, in spite of her age, was also modern. Gifted with a strong inner life and conscious of her authority, she was able to show in all meetings a keen spirit of observation, so she was able to deal with any discourse. She was always very lucid, always open to dialogue.

She religiously loved and venerated the various pontiffs who had succeeded one another during her lifetime, often mentioning them in her catecheses. Her love for the pontiffs then radiated to all priests as well, for whom she had maternal attentions and finesse, so much so that she created the group of mystical priestly mothers, ready to carry out a very high mission: to mystically adopt a priest entrusted by Jesus, for whom to pray and offer. Her veneration for priests was great. Her last wish was to organize in the last days of her life a dinner with some of the priests who were closest to her; the dinner was not held again, but the night before she died, while in a state of precoma, in a moment of semi-consciousness she asked, "What about the dinner with the priests?"

It is not trite to say that with Sister Assunta a piece of Coratine history is leaving; with her an era closes.  How good was God to leave her with us for all these years! May she now enjoy the reward she has well deserved: the fullness of her consecration.  May she accompany each of us on this journey of fidelity to the Fiat, to live on earth as in Heaven.

May her unconditional love for God, her conscious and loving surrender to God's Will be a commitment for us to continue on her path.

We will miss you, dearest Sister Assunta!

Rest in the arms of the Lord, you will always be a part of our lives. FIAT!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Tonia Abbattista - Eulogy 12/30/2023

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Last comments 2 of 2
- 1/30/2024
Cara sorella mia, un dolore nel mio cuore. Ma anche una gioia perchè ora sei in tutti noi e ci insegni più da vicino a vivere liberi il Regno dei Cieli quì in tutto ciò che è stato creato per questo scopo. Santificare tutto, restaurare tutto nuovamente...ora nuovamente tutto ha inizio con voi nel cielo, con Maria, con Luisa, con te e con tutti nel cielo uniti alla Trinità. Insegnateci in forma potente a vivere secondo il Volere Divino in azioni e opere. Lasciamo tutto ciò che non serve per farci rapire una volta per sempre dagli insegnamenti di Cristo nei diari di Luisa. Grazie suor. Assunta per il tuo esempio di vita e per le cose che mi hai detto anche al telefono. L'eterna Luce divina sia sempre con te e con noi, amen. Fiat Voluntas Tua.
- 1/29/2024
I love this idea!!! " ...she created the group of mystical priestly mothers, ready to carry out a very high mission: to mystically adopt a priest entrusted by Jesus, for whom to pray and offer. Her veneration of priests was great." Has anyone followed through with this as an effort? If so, I'd like to join in! Julieanne Loth Divine Will Volunteer Facilitator Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church San Antonio, TX Fiat, always Fiat!