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Mary, a model of spiritual motherhood

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The Mission 'Mystical Mothers For Priests' is a mission born within the Luisa Piccarreta Association as early as 1996 by Sister Assunta Marigliano. The 'Mystical Mother' spiritually adopts a priest whose name is known only to God, she with her maternal spirit guides, supports the priest with her own offering and prayer following the example of Mary who offers her Son Jesus to the Heavenly Father for the Glory of the Kingdom.

Mary's love for Jesus is a love that gives itself totally; a love that defends and protects; a confiding, faithful, unique love; a love made of familiarity, of equal feelings, of total understanding, of full unity. The 'Mystical Mother' entering the heart of the Virgin Mary makes the love of the Mother of Heaven her own, makes all Her tenderness and maternal cares her own in order to give them to Jesus and to her own priest-son.

My daughter, you cannot comprehend well what my beloved Mama was for Me. In coming upon earth, I could not be without Heaven, and my Heaven was my Mama. There was such electricity running between Me and Her, that not one thought escaped Her which She would not draw from my mind. And this drawing from Me of word, will, desire, action, step - in sum, of everything - formed the sun, the stars, the moon in this Heaven, together with all possible delights that a creature can give Me, and that she herself can enjoy. Oh, how I delighted in this Heaven! Oh, how I felt cheered and repaid for everything!  (Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

Heaven is symbolic of Jesus' dwelling place, the place where He dwells, there where He can work freely. Following Mary's example, the 'mystical mother' also draws her every thought from the mind of Jesus; she draws from Him the word, the will, the desire, the action and the step, everything and consequently, drawing from Him everything forms in her soul the Heaven in which Jesus can delight.

Even the kisses that my Mama gave Me enclosed the kiss of all humanity, returning to Me the kiss of all creatures. I felt my sweet Mama everywhere. I felt Her in my breath; and if it was labored, She would relieve it. I felt Her in my Heart; and if It was embittered, She would sweeten It. I felt Her in my step; and if it was tired, She would give Me vigor and rest.... (Ibid Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

Jesus feels  His Mother's presence in his every act, He feels Her in His breath, He feels her in the heart that throbs, in the step he takes. Not only does He feel Mary's presence in every act, but Mary performs acts of reparation. If Jesus' Heart is embittered, She softens it, if His breath is labored, She lifts it, if His step is weary, She invigorates it and gives Jesus rest. So the 'mystical mother' also has the task of making up for the shortcomings of love, of restoring love to God from all creatures, and spiritually she can soften the priest's heart when it is embittered, she can lift his labored breath, she can invigorate his step and give him rest.

Then Jesus speaks of His Passion: “And who can tell you how I felt Her in my Passion? At each lash, at each thorn, at each wound, at each drop of my Blood - I felt Her everywhere, carrying out the office of my true Mother. Ah, if souls reciprocated Me, if they drew everything from Me - how many Heavens and how many Mothers would I have on earth!” (Ibid Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

In every painful situation, in trials, in difficulties the priest must feel that there is a Mother, there is someone to help him in his mission.

Jesus and His Mother are inseparable. Mary is always with Jesus. If Jesus is, Mary is, and if Mary is, Jesus is. This also happens to souls when they are truly united with Jesus.

“My daughter, surely there could not be separation between Me and my sweet Mama; the separation was only apparent. She and I were fused together, and the fusion was such and so great that I remained with Her, and She came with Me. So, it can be said that there was a sort of bilocation. This happens also to souls when they are truly united with Me; and if, while praying, they let prayer enter into their souls as life, a sort of fusion and bilocation occurs: I bring them with Me, wherever I am, and I remain with them. (Ibid Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

Thus, another characteristic is union with Jesus. The 'mystical mother' must never leave alone, first of all, Jesus and then her priest son. In the 5th Excess of Love Luisa contemplates solitary love, she hears the inner voice of Jesus asking her not to leave him alone:

“My daughter, do not move away from Me, do not leave Me alone; my love wants your company - another excess of my love, which does not want to be alone. But do you know whose company it wants? That of the creature. See, in the womb of my Mama, all creatures are together with Me – conceived together with Me. I am with them, all love; I want to tell them how much I love them, I want to speak with them to tell them of my joys and sorrows - that I have come into their midst to make them happy, to console them; that I will remain in their midst as a little brother of theirs, giving all my goods, my Kingdom…”

This spiritual union is possible only through the Fiat, through the communion of acts, by placing one's own act in the Single Act of God, in which are found all the acts of creatures and consequently also the act of the priest. By calling the Divine Will into all her own acts, even in the most indifferent ones, the 'mystical mother' also calls together the acts of the priest entrusted to her so that in the acts of both the Kingdom of the Divine Will is extended.

“My daughter, my Mama and I were like two twins born of the same labor, because We had but one Will that gave Us life. The Divine Fiat placed all Our acts in common, in such a way that the Son was reflected in Her, and the Mama was reflected in the Son. So, the Kingdom of the Divine Will had Its full force, Its perfect dominion within Us…”  (Vol. 23rd- Feb. 09, 1928)

Another teaching our Heavenly Mother gives us is constancy, steadfastness on the path to the Kingdom. On the 9th day of the Month of May in the Book of The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, the Queen of Heaven states that the creature with its human will is all oscillations, is weak, inconstant, disordered. The characteristic of those who live by human will is fickleness.

“Who could ever trust one who lets herself be dominated by the human will? No one neither God, no man. She looks like those empty reeds that turn at every blow of wind. Therefore, dearest daughter of Mine, if a blow of wind wants to render you inconstant, plunge yourself into the Sea of the Divine Will, and come to hide on the lap of Your Mama, that I may defend you from the wind of the human will; and holding you tightly in My arms, I may render you Firm and Confident along the path of Its Divine Kingdom.”

Continuing to the 20th day always in the book of the Virgin Mary, our Heavenly Mother teaches us what extent one can reach when the Divine Will takes Operating Life in the creature, and the human will lets It Work without impeding Its Step. The Fiat, which by Nature Possesses the Generative Virtue, Generates all Goods in the creature; It renders her Fecund, giving her Maternity over all, over all Goods, and over He who created her. Maternity says and means True Love, Heroic Love, Love that is content with dying to give Life to the one It has Generated. If this is not there, the word maternity is sterile, is empty, and is reduced to words, but does not exist with facts. Therefore, if you, My daughter, want the Generation of all Goods, let the Fiat take Operating Life in you, which will give you the Maternity, and you will Love everyone with Love of Mother. And I, your Mama, will teach you how to fecundate in you this Maternity, all Holy and Divine.

We thank You, oh blessed Virgin,

and in order to thank You as You deserve,

we offer You the very thanksgivings of your Jesus.

Oh sweet Mama,

be our Mother, take care of us,

and do not allow us to offend You even slightly.

Keep us always clasped to Jesus;

with your hands bind us – all of us, to Him,

that we may not escape Him, ever again.

                                                                      (21st Hour of Passion)

Antonella Bucci
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