In Voluntate Dei!
…Whatever one does for God is never lost; rather, the seed is formed, which, in sprouting, makes Life be born again, more flourishing, strong and beautiful. Everything you have done, both for yourself and for others, is seeds that you have formed – seeds which make the Life of the Divine Will be born again. However, our cooperation is needed – our repeated acts in the FIAT, which like beneficial water, water the seed in order to form the life. And once the life has been formed, it takes our will united with His to make it grow; it takes our continuous love in order to nourish it. Therefore, nothing is lost for us if we really want to live from the Divine Will. This Life exists within us.
Therefore, courage, do not draw back. The Will of God is ours - and Life of ours. God gave it to us, as principle of life, in the act of creating us, when He brought us to the light… The most consoling thing for a human heart is to be able to say: “Whatever God wants, I want; whatever God does, I do.”
The Heavens open at these acclamations in order to unite Creator and creature, so that whatever one does, the other may do as well. Therefore, continue your mission, and offer it for the triumph of the Divine Will…
I send you my wishes for the New Year, all of Divine Will. I leave you in It
The little daughter of the Divine Will
(from Luisa's Letters – 1939)