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It is true love that perfumes our lives

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Today Holy Week begins and it is providential that it begins precisely with the Feast of the Incarnation of the Word, Jesus became incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary and began to live His Passion right from the womb. Moreover, we, Little Children of the Divine Will, begin today in the Luisa Piccarreta Association the meditation of the Nine Excesses of Love that will accompany us every 25th of the month until next Christmas.  Today we remember Trinitarian Love.

Luisa says in her writings: With a Novena of Holy Christmas, at the age of about seventeen, I prepared myself for the Feast of Holy Christmas, by practicing various acts of virtue and mortification; and, especially, by honoring the nine months which Jesus spent in the maternal womb…As for example, for one hour, with my thought, I brought myself to Paradise, and I imagined the Most Holy Trinity:  the Father, sending the Son upon earth; the Son, promptly obeying the Will of the Father; the Holy Spirit, consenting. My mind was confused in contemplating a mystery so great, a love so reciprocal, so equal, so strong among Themselves and toward men; and then, the ingratitude of men, and especially my own.  I would have remained there, not for one hour, but for the whole day; but an interior voice told me:  “Enough – come and see other greater excesses of my love.”

"The Trinity is the source of unity of Will, of Love and of mutual giving- Sister Assunta states in her Pamphlet 'The Nine Excesses' in which she comments precisely on Jesus' Excesses of Love for each creature. 'Such unity,' she continues, 'generates the link between the Creator and the creature, between the Divine Will and the human will. This enables the soul to rise and merge into the working activity of the Three Divine Persons who work for the good of each individual human creature....

From Volume 16 of Luisa's Writings:

The first act of the Divine Persons is the perfect accord of Our Will. Our Will is so unified that the Will of One cannot be distinguished from That of the Other; so much so, that even though Our Persons are distinct – because We are Three – Our Will is One, and this One Will produces a continuous act of perfect adoration among the Divine Persons – One adores the Other.

This is the prayer of Glory Be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is the prayer of Praise to the Most Holy Trinity, and it is the one that crowns every prayer of petition, the liturgy of Lauds and every intercession that souls address to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit..." (cf. 'The Nine Excesses of Love' commented on by Sr. Assunta Marigliano)

Today's Gospel also helps us in our reflection:

" Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." (Jn. 12:3)

Is that a wasteful act by Mary of Bethany? There are gestures that have no price whose value is pure gratuitousness. After such a waste, nothing remains but the perfume, but for the perfume to spread, it must be poured out; if you withhold it, it tastes like nothing.

This is the logic of Easter: to lose oneself in gestures of gratuitousness and service so that the other may have life. Jesus recognizes himself in Mary's gesture: he will give his life, nothing will be left to him, he will be a broken body, breath of eternal life for us, in Love. What might seem like a waste is instead an excess of love, thanks to which we have been saved.

True love is the only thing that perfumes our life.


Antonella Bucci
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