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We would like to inform visitors that from April 4, 2024, and most likely for about a month, the set-up of the Luisa Piccarreta House-Museum will be underway after the integrated restoration works.

During this period it will not be possible to visit Luisa's 'room' with the display of furnishings and relics.

It will be possible to go to the Shrine of St. Mary Greca, where the tomb of the Servant of God is located; to the Matrix Church where Luisa received the sacrament of Holy Baptism and her funeral was held; to the Daughters of Divine Zeal Institute, where she lived for ten years; and to the exterior of her birthplace on Murge Street and her last home on Magdalene Street.

It is advisable to contact our Association before planning your visit.

We thank you for your attention.

Vincenza Arbore
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