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Holy Christmas 2024

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“The Divinity, which can deny nothing to one who loves It, makes a new star, more beautiful and luminous, arise under the azure heavens; and with its light, it goes in search of adorers, to say to the whole world, with its mute twinkling:  “The One who has come to save you is born.  Come to adore Him and to know Him as your Savior.” But - human ingratitude! - among many, only three individuals paid attention, and heedless of the sacrifices, put themselves on the way to follow the star”. 

Luisa Piccarreta - “The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will”)

We too, like the Magi, set out towards the star, a sign of hope.  If our path becomes winding let us ask others for directions because alone the road is more strenuous. The road we travel together will enable us to encounter ourselves in our brothers and sisters through an inner journey of reflection and growth.

May our life be a faith-filled walk toward the star to find in Jesus who is Light of the world, love, truth and salvation.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holy Year


Enza Arbore, President

Fr. Sergio Pellegrini, Ecclesiastical Assistant


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