On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, Grazia Tarantini passed away. She was Luisa's 3rd degree niece. Her grandfather Cataldo Tarantini was a 1st degree nephew of Luisa Piccarreta, son of Maria (Luisa's sister) and Michele Tarantini. He married Grazia Patruno and had six children by her: Maria, Michele, Angela (who would later take the name Sister Remigia), Giuseppe, Gemma, Antonio and Clelia. Cataldo participated in World War I and was always in correspondence with Luisa during the war period.
The following is a letter addressed to him from Luisa on January 30, 1917.
Corato, 1/30/1917
Dearest Cataldo
We received your postcard and were happy to hear your good news. I hope the Lord will always protect you and continue to defend you from all dangers. However, you always be good, always resign yourself to His Most Holy Will. At this time in your life that is a little painful for you, the Lord wants to try your patience and know if you are a true Christian. Cataldo, consider this: the Lord has taken everything from you, your dear children around, your interests, so that neither they can help you, nor you can help them, so that who is left for you? Only Jesus, it is He whom you can call night and day to your aid, it is He who hears you and called by you, sets Himself near you. Jesus gives you courage, removes from your mind the clouds of sad thoughts, and makes the labors seem less hard, the separation of your dearest ones less sad. In spite of all this Jesus acts as your teacher and teaches you that above everything you must love Our Lord. Not only this, but by being near you Jesus wants to reward your labors, hardships, privations and convert them into precious gems that will form a most shining crown for you in heaven. The earth seems to disappear before a state of sorrow and bitterness, it seems that it no longer belongs to us and the heart breathes more freely toward heaven. So offer everything to the blessed Jesus, endure hardships with patience and the Lord in return will lead you safe and sound among your loved ones, but better, more Christian, without transgressing anything of the things concerning God. Through the teachings of pain and the cross, you will know how to do your duty well.
Together with Aunt Angela, who tells you many things, as does Peppino, I affectionately greet you, and I sign myself as
your Aunt
Luisa Piccarreta.
We entrust the soul of the late Grace to the merciful love of our Heavenly Father and unite with the family and those who knew, appreciated and loved her in prayer.