Little Children of the Divine Will CORATO
February 28 – March 4, 2022
123nd anniversary since Luisa Piccarreta began to write her Diary in obedience to her confessor Don Gennaro De Gennaro, parish priest of the Church of St. Joseph in Corato
75th Anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
From February 26, 2022 to March 6, 2022
6.00 pm - 9:00pm
Exhibition: "The Mystic woman from Corato - The life of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in images".
Church of San Vito
February 27th, 2022
5:00 pm
Video: "We all want the Kingdom of the Divine Will" - Greetings and messages from the world. "The Little Children of the Divine Will".
YouTube Channel Association Luisa Piccarreta Corato
February 28th, 2022
10:00 a.m.
Let us pray together at the Institute "Daughters of Divine Zeal" in Corato
YouTube Channel Association Luisa Piccarreta Corato
6:30 p.m.
Holy Mass presided over by Don Giuseppe Tarricone
Church of St. Joseph in Corato
Direct streaming YouTube Channel Association Luisa Piccarreta Corato
March 1st, 2022
4:30 p.m.
Food for thought:: "One life, one will".
Don Sergio Pellegrini, Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Association
Direct YouTube Channel Luisa Piccarreta Association Corato
March 2nd, 2022
5:00 p.m.
Video: "Finally together in heaven" - Luisa's death through the eyes of children - "The Sparks of the Divine Will".
Introduction by Don Vincenzo Bovino, Parish Priest of the Church Santa Maria Greca
YouTube Channel Luisa Piccarreta Association Corato.
March 3rd, 2022
8:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: "The Sun of my Will".
Church Santa Maria Greca
Direct streaming YouTube Channel Association Luisa Piccarreta Corato
March 4th, 2022
4:00 p.m.
"The coin of Love"
Sister Assunta Marigliano
YouTube Channel Association Luisa Piccarreta Corato
6:30 p.m.
Eucharistic celebration presided by H.E. Archbishop Leonardo D'Ascenzo, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie
Church of Santa Maria Greca
Live streaming YouTube Channel Luisa Piccarreta Association Corato