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Each act with Jesus

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I was very attracted to listening to some recordings about the Divine Will and trying to put into practice the lesson that talked about “Doing acts with Jesus.” in my daily life. Regarding this topic, Jesus wants me to forget about myself and unite with Him in whatever I do, whether I am praying, whether I am working, whether I am eating, etc. Jesus is the one who wants to pray, eat work, etc. Jesus is the animator. In doing so I forget my own will and conform to the Divine Will. 
Every day, when I visit the sick I put all my acts in the Divine Will and I am firmly convinced that I am not visiting them alone but with Jesus.  
One day I entered the room of an alcoholic patient. He had had a very critical car accident...When I entered his room, the family was panicked and everyone surrounded his bed. Everyone was crying; when I entered, he was in a coma, the mother shouted, “please pray for my son.” Immediately I understood that I was not there alone, that Jesus was with me, holding my hand while I held the hand of the sick man. I prayed to Jesus and as I concluded the prayer, three minutes later the man opened his eyes and said, “ I want to go to confession.”   The family was very happy.  Immediately I went out to find a priest for him. 
From then on I put all my actions in the Divine Will, I forget myself and immerse myself in the Divine Will.

Sister Leonie


"My daughter, the acts done in my Will dissolve the human acts, and identifying themselves with my divine acts, they rise up to Heaven, circulate in everyone, embrace all centuries, all points and all creatures. And since they remain fixed in my Will, these acts are, and will be, the defenders of my Throne - not only in the present time, but until the end of the centuries.  The acts done in my Will have the virtue of multiplying themselves according to the need and the circumstances which my Glory requires. What will the happiness of the soul be, when she finds herself up there in Heaven, and sees her acts done in my Will, as defenders of my Throne?" (Vol. 12- May 24. 1920)


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- 11/14/2024
Beautiful story, thankyou