The feast of Assumption is the most beautiful, the most sublime, the greatest feast. Heaven and earth are invested with an unusual joy, never before felt. The Angels and the Saints feel as if invested with new joys and new happiness, and they all praise with new songs the Sovereign Queen who, in her empire, rules over all, giving joy to all!
The feast of Assumption is the feast of feasts - the unique one, the new one, which was never repeated again. On the day of the Assumption was celebrated for the first time the Divine Will operating in the Sovereign Queen and Lady; the marvels are enchanting in each of her smallest acts, even in her breathing, in her motion. Many of our divine lives can be seen flowing in her act as many Kings which, more than bright Suns, inundate - surround and embellish her, making her so beautiful as to form the enchantment of the Celestial Regions.
This Virgin Queen is a continuous prodigy. What She did on earth, She continues in Heaven; because, when the Divine Will operates, both in the creature and in God, Its acts never end, and while remaining in It, they can be given to all. Does the Sun, perhaps, cease to give its light to the human generations? Not at all. Even if it has given much, it is always rich in its light, and does not lose a single drop of it. Therefore, the glory of this Queen is insuperable because She possesses God’s operating Will, which has the virtue of forming in the creature eternal and infinite acts. She loves God always with God’s own love. She loves everywhere. Her love fills Heaven and earth and runs to pour itself inside the Divine womb. She loves all, making everyone love God.
The feast of the Assumption is the most beautiful one: it is the feast of the Divine Will operating in this Great Lady, making her so rich and beautiful that the Heavens cannot contain her. Even the Angels remain speechless, and don’t know how to describe what the Divine Will does in the creature.
Mary’s beauty is unreachable. It enchants, it charms, it conquers. Her love is such that She offers herself to all, loving all - leaving behind her seas of love. She can be called Queen of love, winner of love. By doing his will, man broke the bonds with his Creator and with all created things. By the power of our Fiat, which She possessed, this Heavenly Queen tied her Creator to the creatures; tied all beings together - united them - put them back in order and with her love, gave new life to the human generations.
A woman clothed with the sun, is flying towards Her Celestial Abode.
Her acts, transformed into Suns, crown and proclaim Her Queen of the Divine Will.
Best wishes!