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Archbishop D’Ascenzo's Communication

Indications and perspectives to all those interested in the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

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On Wednesday, March 4, 2020, in the Church of Santa Maria Greca, Archbishop Leonardo D’Ascenzo presided over the Eucharistic Celebration to commemorate the death of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, which took place 73 years ago. At the end of the Holy Mass, he announced that he had written a COMMUNICATION addressed to all the faithful interested in the Servant of God “to propose a few indications and perspectives”.

The members of the Public Association of the faithful "Luisa Piccarreta - Little Children of the Divine Will" wish to express their gratitude to the Archbishop for His paternal encouragement. They make their own the words of the Archbishop in the Communication, considering them as valuable indications not only for the work of Association in Corato but also for all the other groups of the "Divine Will",throughout the world, that want to keep their belonging to the Church alive.

On that occasion, the Archbishop also spoke of his conversation with Cardinal Luis Ladaria, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, during which he was told that by examining the writings of the Servant of God "the Congregation found some difficulties, some theological ambiguities not related to the life and virtues of the Servant of God"and therefore the Congregation did not consider it appropriate to grant the Nihil Obstat. Then, the Archbishop added: "A path opens, it can be an opportunity, that is, to examine in depth these writings with the help of expert scholars".

The news aroused discouragement in many people who found spiritual nourishment in these writings. At the same time, we wish to respond to the call of the Archbishop "to availability, commitment and patience" with the obedience that characterized Luisa herself in her unconditional love for the Church. We will advance along the path that opens before us, as we have always done, first of all with the strength of prayer and with perseverance in the activities that will be necessary. As the Archbishop in the Communication urged us to do, we will continue to read the writings paying “more attention to the author’s intention, in greater faithfulness to the teaching of the Church and above all in the awareness that the Divine Will is the Heavenly Father’s merciful appeal addressed to the free will of the men and women of our times”.

We highlight the opportunity of the invitation that the Archbishop addresses in his Communication to the leaders of the groups of the "Divine Will" in the world "to commit themselves to making unity with the sisters and brothers of other groups ever more visible," joining the service structure named "Family of the Divine Will ". We are sure that the time has come when walking together is the most effective way to guarantee the formation and diffusion of the doctrine of "living in the Divine Will".

The Archbishop concluded the Celebration by saying: "May this blessing at the end of the Mass help us, support us and accompany us along this new path which from this evening opens before us and which requires goodwill, patience and commitment from everyone. May the Lord help us and support us in all this”. Fiat


Mrs. Vincenza Arbore

President of the Association


Don Sergio Pellegrini

Ecclesiastical assistant

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- 2/8/2024
Thank you dear ones for lifting up this dear Archbishop and his earlier guidance, from he who shepherds our souls where Luisa is concerned, through this Public Association of the Faithful. Fiat!