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An unusual birth under the sky of Corato - April 23, 1865

A singular creature comes to the light of day - Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will

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Dear brothers and sisters, on the occasion of the prodigious birth in time of our newborn Luisa, we want to strengthen, in the Divine Will, our closeness in spirit.

Every child that is born manifests the beauty and power of God in Creation, His wonders in the entire universe. The newborn creature is not able to speak, like creation, she has no word, but her features worked by the divine Architect invite her to praise God with her heart beating and belonging only to Him: "The heart is a muscle and it is yours but the beating is mine". (Jesus to Luisa)

God loves every creature as much as He loves all humanity and He loves all humanity as much as He loves every single creature. Every creature is, therefore, unique for God, unique in love, unique in His thought, unique in His Will and unique for the mission that she will have to carry out during her earthly existence. Every man is a masterpiece of God, he is a weaving that is worked by His creative hands and is destined to become the dwelling place of his Creator.

 “The only purpose for Creation was exactly this: Creation had to serve as the residence for man, while man had to serve as Our residence.”. (From Luisa’s Diary).

My dearly beloved, by virtue of the birth of our newborn Luisa and of all creatures born in the light of day, let us try to go to the root of human existence, listening to the Gospel words "Unless a person is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (Jn 3:3). To be reborn from above, in the Church of God with Holy Baptism to become part of the Kingdom of God.

The birth of each creature is preceded by the Trinitarian Creative Act. The Most Holy Trinity generates conception as the beginning of a human life, letting seed of the sonship of Uncreated Love fall into the womb: "  Love one anotheras I have loved you”. (Jn. 15:9) These are Truths that require a pure and crystalline faith and a life of intimacy with the Creator and of openness to His plans, as Saint Paul says: " For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love". (Ephesians 1,4 )

The model by which we should be inspired is the Incarnate Word: "The Word became Flesh and came to dwell among us". (Jn. 1:14) It is a Light that leads us to the meditation of the Nine Excesses that we contemplate monthly. Next April 25th we will reflect on the Second Excess of Love: Humble Love.

The angel said to Mary: "You will conceive a son" (Lk. 1:31) and she conceived her Son, Man-God, and conceived all creatures together as Coredemptrix for mankind.

The Word came down from above to bring humanity back to the place established since eternity. "Christ enables us to live in him all that he himself lived, and he lives it in us”. (Pope Francis 'Gaudete et Exsultate')

Dear brothers and sisters, the feast of the birth of our servant of God Luisa Piccarreta pushes us to the High and unites us to the joy of God when He sees a creature born in the Light of His divine Sun. For this joy we make our own the expectation of Jesus when, after creating his newborn Luisa, He waited for the moment of her 'birth in time'.

 “If you knew how I longed for this time in which my little newborn of my Will would come to the light, to make you live in my Volition; what a cortege of grace I prepared in order to obtain the intent - you would remain stunned and would be more grateful and attentive to Me..” (Jesus to Luisa)

All this, my dears, happened in the land of Corato, the hidden treasure field where Luisa sold everything, she gave all of herself to buy it. She bought it by giving, first of all, her own human will, only for the glory of the Kingdom and for all generations.

Best wishes, happy feast for this particular birth

(From Sister Assunta's meditations)

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- 4/23/2020
Buon compleanno a Luisa, dalla tua nascita al cielo 🌹☀️🕊️